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          發布產品| 今日最新產品| 產品圖片目錄|產品推薦| 管理我的產品展廳
          您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 環境石材 > 地敷 > SANDSTONE
          1 湖北省日興石材 有限公司 Lg 靈壽縣靈碩石材廠


          • 原產地:四川和重慶
          • 規格:varies
          • 類型:環境石材 - 地敷
          • 最小訂單量:100。停
          • 供應能力:足夠
          • 發布時間:2008-12-03 18:50:19
          關于 SANDSTONE 的詳細介紹:
          Our strengh mainly are the sandstone from southwest of China, we have so far explored 10 sandstone quarries,the colours range from white,green,yellow gold,yellow woodgrain,red,beige,redpitch wood,black,purple.Our staff are specialised in stone industry,they've acquired with both skill and communication ability...And we keep design and upgrade with our products..We always aim to achieve our model: offer the best price we can, supply with no one else supply


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