As spring vitality the perfect join various levels of green with both black and white striped natural feature which is jade-like stone embellish is bright, clean and smooth. It is beautiful without exaggeration, it is clear without showing everything in a glance, interpretation of the the inner restraint of aristocrats with wisdom.
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          您的位置: 首頁 > 產品展示 > 荒料&石板材 > 大理石 > 彩玉綠松
          洪君 康利德石業 宇軒石材 岑溪陳三石材廠 金祥石業 鑫磊石材 粉紅麻石材 山東冠邦石業


          • 原產地:遼寧
          • 規格:800×800×20mm
          • 類型:荒料&石板材 - 大理石
          • 最小訂單量:0
          • 供應能力:10000
          • 發布時間:2012-06-07 10:22:34
          關于 彩玉綠松 的詳細介紹:
          As spring vitality the perfect join various levels of green with both black and white striped natural feature which is jade-like stone embellish is bright, clean and smooth. It is beautiful without exaggeration, it is clear without showing everything in a glance, interpretation of the the inner restraint of aristocrats with wisdom.


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